
Professional Development Committee – Keeping the membership informed of seminars, leadership opportunities and other professional development opportunities, both locally and through ABWA National at district and national conference; acts as a liaison between the Chapter and the Stephen Bufton Memorial Educational Fund (ABWA’s scholarship fund), educating members with regard to purposes and opportunities. Develops written scholarship eligibility requirements and guidelines for any scholarships the Chapter may offer each year, ensuring they are non-discriminatory and legal.

Ways and Means/Fundraising Committee – identifies opportunities to secure advertising and promotional dollars from local business for corporate partnerships/sponsorships. Plans fundraising projects as a means of supporting the Chapter’s annual educational goals.

Membership Committee – Coordinates membership campaign events. Assist the vice president in performing her duties as hostess at meetings and events; promotes membership growth.

Newsletter Committee – Publishes a monthly newsletter and distributes it to Chapter’s membership. Mails one copy to the Chapter’s District Vice President, one to ABWA National and provide one copy to Best Practices committee chair to place in folder.

Nominating Committee – is elected by a majority of the membership no later than March 31. The president cannot serve on this committee. All members who serve must be primary members. The Committee selects a slate of one or more eligible candidates for each Chapter offices and reports the slate to the election meeting. Nominations are made from the floor by any Chapter member. All Committees must maintain compliance with the operating budget and provide end-of the year written summary of activities and accomplishments to the Executive Board for inclusion in the Best Practices notebook.

Program Committee – Conducts Member Interest Survey and compiling the answers. Uses Survey as a guide when selecting speakers that fulfill the members; needs for knowledge, skills and experience. Assist vice president with room set-up and A/V.

Publicity/Social Media Committee – Sends promotional information covering national, Chapter and member achievements and Chapter activities to all appropriate media. Forwards major publicity coverage to ABWA National and list and files information for potential member contact in the community, such as the local chambers of commerce or public libraries. Identifies opportunities for providing advertising to local media regarding special programs, campaigns, anniversaries, through website, WIN, Facebook, Twitter, and all other social media available.

Other Standing Committees include:

  • Rainbow Committee
  • Hospitality Committee
  • History/Scrapbook Committee
  • Outreach Committee

SPECIAL COMMITTEES Sometimes called ad hoc committees – they are created and appointed for specific purposes. When the work is done and a final report is made, they automatically cease to exist.

Auditing Committee – audits the records of the treasurer. This activity takes place during the final month of a treasurer’s term or whenever a vacancy, or when deemed necessary by the Executive Board.

Other Special Committees include:

  • Best Practices Committee
  • Nominations/Elections Committee
  • Anniversary Committee